Algonquin documentary production students cover and discover WIFF 2012
Instead, they turned out to fill the Great Hall in the shiny new Wakefield LaPêche Community Centre to watch the second offering in WIFF's 2012 program: Putin's Kiss, a political reality drama set against Vladimir Putin's new Russia, by Danish director Lise Birk Pederson.

Director Lise Birk Pederson: "When Masha showed me around, she brought me to a tent, which Nashi had fitted out as an emergency head quarters in case a revolution should break out in Russia. From the head quarters, then, Nashi would be able to defend Russia under any circumstances. This was a serious constellation.
Later I learned that the head quarters, this mobile office, was part of a much larger strategy aimed at young members: It gave the impression that the political opposition posed a great threat to Russian security and they were therefore to be considered enemies of Russia."

WIFF 2012: Changing The World In Wakefield
An evening at the Wakefield International Film Festival with founders and artistic directors Brenda and Robert Rooney.
WIFF 2012 is the third year of this niche documentary festival. Nestled in the Gatineau Hills Wakefield, Quebec is a vibrant community of doers and artists who nightly fill the Great Hall of the Wakefield LaPêche Community Centre to immerse themselves in documentary themes and discussions.
WIFF 2012: Changing The World In Wakefield (9 min.) Production: Atiyah Hussain, Waseem Baobaid,Lubna Karim - Documentary Production Program Algonquin College